Welcome to my blog about cities around the world!

This is a blog template for the MVP css library, multiple post and a post collection will be created whenever you use this template.

If you select this template you will create an exact copy of this web site, home, blog, posts, about, contact, etc...


Checkout the latest blog posts!

What is included in this blog template?

This is a template for a blog based on the MVP library, the template will create the next entities on your blog in order to create a copy of this site.


The template will create a couple blog posts as content, those are just demonstration placeholders of a blog post for a city post, checkout the post for Berlin

Two collections will be created, a recommended and latest collection, a collection is a list of posts that you can include in multiple pages, this will be useful to highlight a collection of common posts.
You can include multiple collections on a page, the home page includes the recommended and latest demo collections.

A footer and a navbar will be created for your site, a section is a reusable snip that you can include in multiple pages.

"By far the easiest stylesheet I've ever used. It integrates easily into one all of my startup projects."

- Andy Brewer, Author of MVP.css


Here are the blog post recommendations of the author if you are new to this blog!

More posts

Expandable Title

Content from a rich paragraph

Another interesting reference

More data about the reference here!

Do you have an API for the service?

Testing another content for the template